Monday, January 28, 2013

baby lime

I'm already slacking. Couldn't find time to take a 9 week picture and decided to skip the post all together. Who wants a post without a picture update anyway? So fast forward to 10 weeks and it's already a lime!

I'm not really showing, but I definitely can't suck in the little pooch under my belly button like I used to. But I can't complain. Other than being tired ALL THE TIME, I feel great. I've noticed some slight nausea occasionally, but thankfully haven't thrown up once. I also thought sensitivity to smells was another one of the many over exaggerated pregnancy symptoms but I was wrong, which is why my bath and body hand lotion ended up in the garbage.

With the dramatic schedule change in our lives with Jake's new job, there hasn't been a lot happening here at home. I'm trying to get used to my time alone and not spend it all pouting :) However we did recently have our 9 year anniversary last Friday and I was so thankful he was home. I love you husband, here's to many, many more years to come!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

and then there were 4!

Don't worry, there's only one in there...

But Coop will always be our first baby :)

So as you all know, after almost nine years, Jake and I decided to add to our little family. What we didn't know is that I was blessed with my mother's fertility and it happened a little quicker than anticipated! So we are due August 20th and I'm going to try my best to document the next 7 months, but I can't promise anything. Who knew it takes so much energy to house something the size of a green olive?!
My goal is to take a picture every week so you can all follow along with my growing bump/face/ass.
