Tuesday, February 19, 2013

baby lemon

So I skipped right over 12 weeks since I spent my entire week with kleenex shoved up my nose thanks to this little munchkin...

Those chubby little cheeks were too irresistible, and I paid the price. You don't realize you take cold medicine for granted until you can't take it! So needless to say I was not up for a chalkboard picture. 

Well last weekend we took our first camping trip of the year which was SO nice. Jake was on a break from grad school and we were both in for a much needed getaway. Our fantastic friends upgraded the camper and we had to break it in, so we packed up six adults, two dogs, and a babe and headed out the Owyhee Reservoir. 

The weekend consisted of lots of Disney movies, walks, campfires and going to bed at 9 pm.
She doesn't look enthused but she really is having tons of fun :)
Good thing Carhartt created a Budweiser pocket for walks...

Another highlight of the past two weeks was our latest doctors appointment where we were able to hear our babe's heartbeat! It was a little unreal to hear another heartbeat coming from inside of me since I constantly forget that little lemon is even in there. I thought I was going to get pretty emotional but I think Jake and I were more stunned than anything.

Here's a clip of the little one's heartbeat :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

baby plum

I apologize that these first few posts are going to be so boring, but we all hibernate from January to March :) We have a ton of stuff booked for the first part of the summer so don't worry, it will get more interesting!

The baby is approximately 2.5 inches, the size of a large plum! I am nearing the end of the 1st trimester and still can't wrap my head around the fact there is a human in there. However things got a little more real when I woke up to this...

I literally grew overnight! And keep in mind, I'm trying to suck in.

Our 12 week appointment is this Friday and I can't wait. I just need them to tell me again that I'm pregnant :)