Tuesday, April 30, 2013

23 weeks

This past weekend I flew to LA to finally see Jake's home away from home. On Friday we went to his office and I got to meet a couple of his coworkers. Hi Bri! :) We spent the day walking around his work and part of the UCLA campus.
Then we spent the evening watching basketball and eating pizza and wings from bed. It was so nice to do absolutely nothing. Oh, and I got a foot rub without even asking...I should be pregnant more often :)
Saturday we drove up Mulholland Dr. which I guess is the thing to do to see the best view of LA. It takes you through the fancy homes of the Hollywood hills. Next we walked Rodeo Dr. to see what all of the fuss was about and to say we've done it. A few other highlights of the trip: we passed by Molly Shannon on our way to ice cream; saw the original green hornet that had apparently just been purchased at auction; went to the Santa Monica Pier and Muscle Beach; and topped off our Saturday evening with the best steak you could have at Ruths Chris.
All in all it was a really fun relaxing weekend with the hubby. And now for the picture overload:

 A must have pic:
 The Green Hornet
And topped it off with an amazing dinner...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

week 22

Technically I turned 23 weeks today but sshhhh.
Just a quick update today. The nursery is officially painted and crib was built! A little sneak peak...

So many ideas bouncing around in this head of mine! Along with redoing the tan chair, these are just a few of the details that will be adding to the look of the room. It will probably end up being a hodgepodge of items since there are so many cute ideas out there and I can't seem to choose a direction. A little bit of typical boy, a little Boise State, and a few nautical touches :) This will be many weeks in the making but I'll post pictures when it's complete!

Monday, April 22, 2013

twenty & twenty one

Another one of my lazy combined week boards :)
As you can see we are painting the nursery, but there's a story. I'll get to that in a minute.
20 weeks
We had our big ultrasound to take a detailed look at our little guy. Putting all most of my fears to rest, he checks out great and is measuring right on schedule. Now that I know he has all of his parts (and is still a boy!) I can stress a little less as we wait for him to grow. Our energetic little monster was all over the place, which means we were able to see some great views of everything but only got a few good pictures. He wouldn't sit still long enough...especially when it came to looking at his feet and hands. Hopefully our hands aren't too full with this one. 

It was crazy to watch him twist and turn in there but not be able to feel it. I was a little sad until I saw him pulling his knees to his chest to load up and give me a good kick. At that point I figured I'd enjoy my time of peace since there were many days of knees and elbows jabbing me ahead. Well I spoke too soon. Shortly after our appointment I started to really feel him move around. Luckily he's only about a pound so I have some time until it really starts to hurt.
21 weeks
For the first time since he started this job in January, my hubby got some time off and was able to spend the last week at home. It was SO nice. However it made yesterday a little harder to drop him off at the airport. On top of his endless work/grad school to-do list, I was able to squeeze a few honey-dos in there. Hence the nursery. So as you can see in the pic above I was working away on the trim. And do you see that it's a cute little shade of baby blue?? Well it wasn't supposed to look like that. Not. Even. Close. 
What I WAS going for was a simple light grey. This was the color I picked.
Polished silver. Nice right? Well I started the trim and it was looking a little too blue for my liking. However I just kept painting away, with crossed fingers, hoping it would magically dry grey. I finish the trim as the sun is going down and Jake and I decide to just go ahead and paint the entire room. "It's probably just our bedroom lighting" and "Maybe it will look different in the sunlight?" Well we get up the next morning and head to the nursery, hoping for a 'the morning sunshine will make it look grey' miracle. Nope. It's still bright blue. And now it looks much worse since the entire room is now this color.
and during
I didn't capture the room in it's entirety since we couldn't get it covered fast enough, so you'll just have to imagine. For the second round, we went with a brown based grey to avoid it looking anything remotely related to blue :) Painting the nursery twice in a week? Why not.
So here we go.

Painting the nursery: take two.

Monday, April 1, 2013

how you dune?

So by tomorrow I meant next week :)

18 weeks
Don't judge...I was not willing to shower and get ready for just one picture. So you get me like this :)

19 weeks
I took this pic right after work today (I'm actually still wearing this exact outfit as I type this), because today marks two official firsts in this pregnancy. One: I, for the first time, had a patient acknowledge me being pregnant by saying "Oohh, when is your baby due?" Two: While I was moving the machine, another one of my patients suddenly reached out and rubbed my belly, completely throwing me off guard. I guess I'm finally getting past the 'is she pregnant or just awkwardly fat' stage.

In other exciting news I now have a mom-mobile :)
It is Coop approved...
With Jake out of town we decided that two vehicles (and two payments) was unnecessary. I also wanted something bigger and safer to drive around our babe. So Jake and I found this on Sunday before he flew out of town and by the time he came home on Thursday, both of our vehicles were gone and Coop and I picked him up from the airport in our new ride.

This past weekend we wasted no time in breaking in the new expedition during a camping trip. Every year around this time we pack up and head to the dunes, where you say "How you dune?" about a million times and come home with sand in every crevice of your body. I somehow managed to not take a SINGLE picture with my sweet new camera. Fail.
So you get the gist of it...
Fun fact: Bruneau Dunes State Park boasts the tallest single-structured sand dune in North America with a peak rising 470 feet above the surrounding desert floor.

The Easter Bunny even found us all the way out there :) It was awesome to be a part of this adorable babe's first Easter basket. Even if she did seem more interested in the filler.