Despite getting more uncomfortable I'm still doing well, just finding it increasingly difficult get some stuff done around the house prior to his arrival. All I'd really like to do is just sleep all week :) These past two weeks we've taken it pretty easy, getting some relaxation and time with friends in.
34 weeks
The weekend before last Jake and I pretty much accomplished nothing. On Friday we climbed in bed at 4pm and took a two hour nap. It was AMAZING. There have been a few days I've fallen asleep on the couch after work but I can't remember the last time I laid in bed and took a legit nap. I think this will be a new routine until this baby arrives.
On Saturday we had a date night and did dinner and a movie. We were a little early for the movie so we killed time with arcade games, which made us feel about 15 years old. It was pretty crazy thinking this could be the last, or one of the last nights like that before we have to get back home to free the babysitter.
My super sweet husband also surprised me with an early "push present". I came home to a new laptop topped with a bow. He set up a photo editing program on it so now I'll have a place to go crazy with the 100 pictures a day of Easton. An awesome new camera, a new laptop and a photo editing program to go with it?? I should get pregnant more often :).
And yes...that is my bare belly. My shirts are having a difficult time stretching over my giant stomach ok?
35 weeks
So this past weekend we went camping, surprised? Well I was good and brought that awesome camera my husband got me, but was apparently too busy taking pictures of my adorable niece to remember to take a 35 week picture of me. Soooo, that's why I look like absolute hell in this one. I had to hurry and take one tonight before I turn 36 weeks tomorrow.
Here are some of the pics from the past weekend. Possibly the last camp trip before Easton arrives!!
the Taylor's making us a fire...
my inebriated husband...
cuteness to die for...
crazy hair!
naked snuggle time...
their version of a swim-up bar...
and finally...
This next weekend is my baby shower so lots of pictures to come!