Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'm back!!

Did you give up on us? I've been a terrible slacker. This little monster of ours seems to take up all of my time :). So let's get caught up here...

As you can see from my last post (way back when) I was 38 weeks. Well I technically made it to 39 weeks but I said screw it to getting a chalkboard pic because I was having some serious contractions ALL DAY, for four days. It sucked, and resulted in me being fed up for those four days. I was 3cm dilated, 75% effaced and apparently going through a prolonged latent labor. I had been timing my contractions for four days, slowly losing hope, and decided I was going to be pregnant forever. So on Sunday, the 18th, we attended a birthday lunch for one of our friends. And because I was absolutely certain I was going to be miserably pregnant the rest of my life, I didn't bring my hospital bag. 
While sitting at lunch with my trusty contraction timer app, my contractions are 4-5 minutes apart. Meanwhile my husband and Nikke are watching my like a hawk and decide (against my judgement) that I have to go to the hospital. To get them off my back I agree and figure I'll get checked out, the nurses will laugh in my face for being a baby, and they'll send me home. Wrong.
The nurse says they're going to admit me and follows that with "You're going to have a baby today." I was not prepared for those words. That's when I decide to lose my shit, and for some reason my husband's first instinct is to pull out the camera and start taking pictures. Thanks babe.
I was admitted around 2pm and by the time I was settled into my room I was measuring 5cm. Nikke joined us, set up the mimosa supplies, my doctor broke my water, and then it was time to wait it out. Since most of my labor pain was in my back, and laying in the bed was killing me, I spent all of my time either on the birthing ball or walking around. 
Sometime around 7 or 7:30 I was measuring 7cm and decided it was time for my epidural. For a couple of seconds I was contemplating not getting it. Since everything was moving so quickly, and the contractions weren't that bad, I felt like I could do it. While my nurse was explaining why I was a great candidate for a natural birth, my birth team was exchanging glances over my head like "Is she crazy??"
Nikke grabs my hands, looks at me and says "You're going to want an epidural." In other words, "Don't be stupid". I'm so glad they didn't agree with me because shortly after the epidural god was called, my contractions moved to the front. I made my way to the bathroom, not knowing if I was going to puke or poop, and found myself calling from the toilet..."Is he here yet?!"
Post-epidural bliss.

After this things moved so quickly. I was fully dilated before the epidural had time to completely kick in. We waited through a few contractions until I was numb, and sometime after 8 we were ready to go and I started pushing. Before I knew it...he was here!

Easton Jacob Blanchard
8/18/13, 8:39 pm
7lbs 9oz, 20.25 in

I couldn't have asked for a better team.