Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thirty one.

I'm totally cheating this week...I skipped a chalkboard pic, and technically turned 32 weeks yesterday. My bad. This past weekend I was in dirt covered sweatpants and forgot/didn't want to take a chalkboard pic. I did however take a belly shot last Tuesday, the first day of my 31st week so it counts!
Just when I don't think there's possibly any more room in there for my guy, the what to expect app tells me this will be the fastest growing stage for baby. Great. Hopefully he doesn't come busting out of my belly button.

So this past weekend was a very busy one for Jake and somewhat of a relaxing one for me. We spent some more time in the yard. AKA I took a nap on the hammock (not kidding) while he dug out the yard around the concrete slab where our shed will go. 
To fill the area we picked up some rocks to match the rest of the yard and guess how we got those rocks home?? Yep, back to my mom car. And I thought having chunks of our actual yard in there gave me anxiety...
So because we don't have the convenience of a truck, they dumped the rocks next to the Expedition. My poor hubby had to then shovel the entire load into the car AND unload the entire thing by himself. Sorry babe. Aside from having tiny rocks everywhere, the other downside of having all of those rocks in there? DUST. And not the light dust that you can blow away. Thick, heavy dust that settles into every single nook and cranny you could imagine.
Plus it's been pouring rain so I couldn't get to it until today. Terrible. But the area by the shed is done! One more thing off of the to-do list. 
Now if you're wondering why there is an upside down beer bucket in the corner, it's covering a sprinkler. Our white trash yard ornament will be removed as soon as we decide how we want to run the sprinkler lines :). 

Another event of the weekend is we finished our registry! Our last stop was Target, and after tackling Babies R Us I thought this trip would be a cake walk. It was the WORST. First, Target kiosks are terrible. It took 30 minutes to even get an account. It kept saying that we already had an account however we've obviously never registered for baby stuff. As soon as we got that situated, we were told the entire wall of scanners were dead. We received one with 20% battery life and took off on a mission. I think we scanned about three packages of diapers and the thing went dead. We exchanged it but at this point Jake and I were so tired of being in there and we just started scanning random shit. The only picture I snapped was at the very beginning. Needless to say neither of us were in the picture taking mood.
But I will always have a Target addiction. I love this store!

Other highlights of the weekend...
For the first time ever, I planted something!

I started to get the little man's clothes ready.

And kicked up my dirty feet while my hubby mowed the yard.

This weekend we're headed to Twin Falls for our friend's wedding, so next blog post will be a picture overload!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

holy crap...

I am now in the single digit countdown. 9 weeks?! How did this happen?? Well...I guess we all know the answer to that question, so we don't need to go there.
To kick off the 30 week festivities we had a 3D ultrasound. It had been 10 weeks since we've seen our little guy so we figured why not. It was amazing, I definitely had to choke back some tears. He was just hanging out in there sucking his thumb. He's currently using my placenta as a pillow so it was a little difficult to see his entire face, but the left side is pretty cute :) We saw a full crotch shot and there's no mistaking, he's definitely a boy. I honestly don't think I 100% believed it until this past Friday. Now I'm fully convinced and no longer need to worry about him possibly coming out as a her. It also looks like I might give birth to a little monkey. You can't see hair in 3D but in the 2D images there were some long locks floating around in there. I just can't wait to see what he looks like!!
Our little thinker.
 look at those big lips!
On the right side of the picture you can see his elbow, he had his left arm up by his head the whole time.
 all of those white lines are his hair
 right foot

Another Friday project was an addition to our little backyard escape. All of the props on this one go to Jake and Carson. I didn't have to lift a finger :)
Nice work babe! Now let's see if I can keep them alive.

On Saturday Nikke and I had to work (boo!), but headed up to join the boys at the campsite immediately after. I forgot my camera AGAIN but snapped a few with my phone. It was a short trip but is always nice to get away with friends.

Because our mutt has a serious addiction to water, the poor guy ended up with swimmers tail. He looks SO pathetic when he can't wag his tail or sit down comfortably. This is what happens for the next week...
tired, pouty boy. And it breaks my heart.
But I'll take any time that he's following my every move begging for face rubs.

This upcoming weekend Jake and I will be spending lots of time getting our house and yard in order since we are getting closer and closer to Easton's arrival. I'll post some of the updates next week!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

our butternut squash.

I think he found a new position in there because all of a sudden I feel like I'm sticking out another foot and my back is hurting like a B. I'm pretty sure with each passing week another symptom complaint is added. Third trimester seems to bring all the fun at once...heartburn, backaches, leaky boobs, peeing every fourteen seconds and circling back to the fatigue from the beginning. I'm trying to not complain too much because I do have a healthy, active little boy in there (and hopefully a cute one), it's just been a particularly difficult day :)
Ok, I'm done bitching.

These past two weekends Jake and I (mostly Jake) have been working hard on making the backyard our little paradise. With many nights ahead of us of being at home with the babe, we'll need somewhere to escape with our alcohol and baby monitor during those precious moments of quiet. So we decided it was time to make some big improvements to the backyard, starting with a new patio.
It's still a work in progress, and currently a big mess, so I will be posting the before and after pictures in the next few posts. For now you get a little sneak peek at our new patio in the picture above. And here's another one loaded with cuteness...
Now for a couple that are not so cute. This sent my OCD into overdrive...the downfall of getting rid of the truck.
No you are not mistaken. That's our yard...INSIDE our car. Not cool.

Another exciting adventure of past weekend was registering for a butt load of baby stuff! It's pretty strange walking around a store trying to register for tiny human items when you've never had one. So we scanned our little hearts out :) My adorable husband was being such a sport. Mind you, he HATES shopping, or walking around any store when he doesn't need anything. 
Babies R Us is such an overwhelming land of baby shit, but we made it out alive!

Now onto week 30!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

hello third trimester!

And hello heartburn! I used to hate these but they are now a regular part of my diet...
We have another two for one post folks...I seem to be making a bad habit of this :)
27 weeks
While the boys went off to Bend, Oregon the girls and I got together for a friend's bachelorette weekend. Now I'll warn you, these past two weeks I was the WORST at taking pictures. I did manage however to snap a few of our trip to Paint 'N Sip. It's this cute little place where you can have a glass of wine while an instructor leads you through painting a canvas. I obviously couldn't partake in the wine fun so I ordered myself a smoothie. Lame. I'll have to go back after August because drinking and painting looks way more fun. 
Not bad right? I surprised myself. I was actually pretty nervous to look like a complete fool in the class but who knew I could pull something like this off!
I was pretty bummed that Jake and I had to split for the weekend when those are the only days we get together, but at least it doesn't happen often. He flew out Monday since it was Memorial Day so we were able to spend a little bit of Monday together.
Had to add a pic from his weekend since he looks so cute in it.

28 weeks
This past week was a rough one. Pregnancy brain is no joke. I used to think it was just a great excuse to be forgetful but no, this is a legit problem people! I couldn't keep anything straight. I felt like I was losing my marbles at work. When I was home I was wandering around the house not knowing why and I can't even tell you how many random items I was trying to put in the cupboards, pantry and fridge.
I'm starting to feel pretty stuffed into my clothes and wondering how the hell this child is going to fit in here for another 3 months. His feet are currently shoved into my right ribs so the third trimester is going to get pretty interesting :)
This past weekend we went to our friends cabin in Huntington, Oregon, one of our favorite places to spend the weekend away. The weather was amazing, which doesn't happen often out there. And major fail on my part...I didn't take a single picture. However I did steal this one of the cabin off of facebook...
Easton got to take his first boat ride while dad had his first wakeboard session of the summer :) It was a much needed relaxing weekend with the hubby and some great friends.
Now off to week 29. Jake and I get to attend an 8-hour childbirth prep class on Saturday (yay!) and tackle the overwhelming task of registering for baby stuff! 
Now let's just hope some of this brain fog clears up :)