I think he found a new position in there because all of a sudden I feel like I'm sticking out another foot and my back is hurting like a B. I'm pretty sure with each passing week another symptom complaint is added. Third trimester seems to bring all the fun at once...heartburn, backaches, leaky boobs, peeing every fourteen seconds and circling back to the fatigue from the beginning. I'm trying to not complain too much because I do have a healthy, active little boy in there (and hopefully a cute one), it's just been a particularly difficult day :)
Ok, I'm done bitching.
These past two weekends Jake and I (mostly Jake) have been working hard on making the backyard our little paradise. With many nights ahead of us of being at home with the babe, we'll need somewhere to escape with our alcohol and baby monitor during those precious moments of quiet. So we decided it was time to make some big improvements to the backyard, starting with a new patio.
It's still a work in progress, and currently a big mess, so I will be posting the before and after pictures in the next few posts. For now you get a little sneak peek at our new patio in the picture above. And here's another one loaded with cuteness...
Now for a couple that are not so cute. This sent my OCD into overdrive...the downfall of getting rid of the truck.
No you are not mistaken. That's our yard...INSIDE our car. Not cool.
Another exciting adventure of past weekend was registering for a butt load of baby stuff! It's pretty strange walking around a store trying to register for tiny human items when you've never had one. So we scanned our little hearts out :) My adorable husband was being such a sport. Mind you, he HATES shopping, or walking around any store when he doesn't need anything.
Babies R Us is such an overwhelming land of baby shit, but we made it out alive!
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