Tuesday, August 13, 2013

oh my...

I am WAAYYY behind. There's been a lot going on these past two weeks along with prepping for this baby. So lets begin.

Way back to week 36...

My BFF and amazing girlfriends threw me a baby shower to spoil the heck out of this little boy. I'm one lucky girl. My mom flew in that weekend to "surprise" me. I had a feeling...sorry mom :) Here's the first of the picture overload on the blog tonight...
 my super sweet bff/shower host
 and the baby shower elves :)
 even kenna j matched the party...look at that anchor outfit! so cute.
While we were having our girl festivities, the boys went golfing...
 and this is what happens when the boys drink all day.

Thank you to you girls who threw the adorable pinteresty party for me, and for all that came to it. It means so much to have such great friends and support as this little guy enters our lives. 

37 weeks

After the baby shower weekend, I once again worked and laid low until Jake got home Thursday. I spent the week organizing all of our baby loot and continued to get the nursery ready. On Saturday we decided last minute to spend the day at the Grove cabin since it would probably be our last without a kid in tow.
We've been doing a lot of these "lasts" lately. Soaking up some time with the two of us and our friends before we have a little monster to care for :). I didn't snap any pictures of the day but did take one on our way out. It hit me that it's going to get a little more difficult the next time we're out there. We can't just choose last minute to grab pre-made sandwiches at the grocery store, a bag of food for coop and go. See you soon Snake River, next time with another Blanchard!

On Sunday, Nikke hiked up to the foothills of Boise with us to shoot our maternity pictures. Yes, it was 97 degrees out and yes, I probably should have done them a little sooner so I didn't have to waddle my fat, pregnant ass up that hill, but they turned out great so it was worth it! Here you go! 
 my three favorite guys.
 Notice St. Luke's in the back? A must photo for Jake.
 Had to get a pic of where our little guy will be born :)

And finally...week 38! This past week was the last week Jake was in LA. We both had a HUGE sense of relief when I picked him up Thursday still pregnant! I seriously spent Monday through Thursday moving in slow motion, working and napping. I didn't dare make any sudden movements. So now the hubby is home until Easton is born and we're patiently waiting! Let's all hope for baby sooner than later! Gravity is really tugging at this heavy watermelon and I just discovered stretch marks!! Ugh. I was SO CLOSE!! I literally got them this past week and he better get out before they get worse!
This past Friday we enjoyed another "last"; our last concert before we have to coordinate a babysitter :). We spent the evening with Alan Jackson! I was barefoot and VERY pregnant laying on the grass listening to some great country music. The only thing missing? A cold beer. Soon, very soon.

As of today I have one week until my due date. I am technically in my last. freaking. week. of pregnancy. Holy crap.
I'll try to get a 39 week pic posted soon but we'll just have to wait and see what the next post holds. Let's hope for a cute little baby boy!!

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